Wednesday 23 November 2022

Exploring the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Brushing Teeth

 Exploring the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Brushing Teeth

This article explores the potential health benefits of drinking water before brushing teeth, such as improved oral hygiene and reduced risk of cavities.

There are numerous health benefits if one drinks water just after waking up before brushing teeth.

If you drink water first in the morning it will flushes out the stomach and helps to balance the lymphatic system. There by making the immunity stronger.

The germs and bacteria inside your mouth multiply during the night. So, when you drink water after waking up before brushing, your saliva goes with the water down into the stomach resulting in destruction of the bacteria due to the high acid content inside the stomach. Therefore there is no harm if you drink water before brushing teeth. Rather it will clean out your mouth and make teeth brushing more effective.

 It reduces gastritis or indigestion problems.

Lowers high blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day.

It will also make the skin and hair soft.

                                                                        Our body uses up its water  during the night while at  sleep and you don’t always wake up in the middle of the night to refill your water stores. So drinking water just after waking up before brushing can rehydrate our body. 

So always drink 1-2 glass of water just after waking up before brushing.




Wednesday 17 August 2022



Body Stresses 

Body stresses are tensions or tightness that accumulate from many stressors over time. 


Emotional, vigorous exercises, injury, surgery, infection, chemical. 

When body undergoes stress in which certain muscles and tissues are in contracted stage.

Physical Symptoms 

  • Feel anxious 
  •  Mood swings
  • Social withdrawal 
  • Not able to cope with day to day life
  • Fatigue 
  • Feeling flu like

Acute Stress Response 

Difficult and overwhelming experiences causes what is called flight.

Fight or freeze mode called acute stress response.

Acute stress Response gives as energy required to make fast decisions in the face of life threatening things.

So stress to some extent is natural and its needed for the body. Long term stress is the one that is harmful .




Wednesday 18 May 2022

Reasons for bad breath other than poor oral hygiene

          Uncovering Hidden Culprits of Bad Breath Beyond Brushing               

 The main cause of bad odor of mouth occurs due to poor oral hygiene. This can be treated with the help of a dentist.

There are also other reasons for bad breath that needs to be attended.

1.Sinus related problems

2.Protein Allergy

3. Intestinal flora Deficiency

Sinus related problems

This occurs commonly with sinusitis and can be easily identified by the patients itself.

Protein Allergy

Patients with protein allergy can shows following issues

  • Skin issues
  • Grey hair
  • Bad breadth
  • Dandruff
  • Gastritis
  • Regurgitation
  • Sneezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Piles, Fissures, Fistula
Intestinal flora Deficiency

This occurs when the stomach doesn't have sufficient amount of good bacteria.

The deficiency of good bacteria in stomach can results to improper metabolism of the food we eat.

It causes indigestion and improper absorption of food. As a result the peristaltic movement decreases and cause constipation, apthous ulcer, gastritis, regurgitation.

These indigested food gets fermented in the stomach and releases gases, chemicals that have bad smell.

The gases and chemicals enters the blood streams .The blood gets circulated through out the body. Finally when it reaches the lungs it expels out these gases along with carbon dioxide.

Hence probiotic flora should be maintained.




Monday 7 March 2022

Wheat Vs Rice



Calorie  (1 cup-150 gm) = 500KCal

Carbohydrates = 100gm

Proteins = 20gm

Fat = 4gm

Fibre = 15gm

Wednesday 12 January 2022