Saturday 22 November 2014

oral health month

I have such a wonderful experience to be a part of camp conducted in association with colgate in nearby school.
The op crossed more than 600 students
.I have noticed majority of students have more prevalence of decay in the molar region with 90 % of mal aligned teeth.the prevalence of enamel hypoplasia secondary to flurosis is also quiet seen in them.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


KEEP your mouth healthy and strong as you get older:-

-BRUSH at least twice a day
As you age,decay is more likely to develop around old fillings or in the softer exposed root surface of tooth.
- Visit your dentist regularly - As you age, you become more vulnerable to developing chronic diseases like diabetes,heart problems,bone disorders etc.

- In India the prevalence of gum disease is more than tooth decay,which is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults 

Thursday 18 September 2014

Why is my tooth sensitive ?


DENTINAL SENSITIVITY is dental pain which is sharp in character and of short duration, arising from exposed dentin surfaces in response to stimuli, typically thermal, evaporation, tactile, osmotic, chemical or electrical; and which cannot be ascribed to any other dental disease.


Thermal – hot and cold drinks and foods, cold air, coolant water jet from a dental instrument.

Electrical – electric pulp testers

Mechanical–tactile – dental probe during dental examination, periodontal scaling and root planing,tooth brushing

Osmotic – hypertonic solutions such as sugars

Evaporation – air blast from a dental instrument

Chemical – acids, e.g. dietary, gastric, acid etch during dental treatment


The most common cause - Gingival Recession  ( receding gums )

- Tooth Wear

- Wrong Brushing Habits

- Abrasive tooth paste

- Acid erosion (e.g. related to gastroesophageal reflux disease

- Bulimia or excessive consumption of acidic foods and drinks

- Periodontal root planing

- Dental bleaching 

- Tooth whitening tooth paste

- Decay around the edges of a filling

- Tooth sensitivity after dental visit

- Plaque deposition

- Alcohol containing mouthwash


= Desensitizing tooth paste

= Correct the brushing technique - avoid horizontal method of brushing

= Use a soft bristle brush and brush for 2 minutes with gentle pressure

= Limit acidic foods or try to drink water having acidic food items to neutralize the acid in your mouth.

= Cover exposed root surface using dentin adhesive sealers with the help of a dentist

= Root canal treatment

= Laser treatment - low output lasers , Nd YAG ,Er YAG CAN BE USED TO TREAT 
SENSITIVITY but It is the most expensive method .

Friday 12 September 2014



1. Oral cleaning should be done in the early childhood days, even before tooth eruption  after the birth of a baby. This can be done by wiping the gums with a clean damp cloth.

As soon as the tooth erupts one has to supervise the child to brush and encourage with toothpaste particularly for kids which has favorable taste and colour that attracts them

2. Always use fluoride containing toothpaste preferably white colour .As the fluoride can control the prevalence of decay in specified quantity. It can also strengthen enamel.

3. Brush twice a day and floss daily. Proper brushing technique should be adopted.

4. Rinse after each meal.  In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems.

5. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.

6. In school children, who are engaged in sports and other extracurricular activities usage of mouth guards is advisable. It prevents blows to teeth. Your dentist can make a custom-fitted

Mouth guard. Another option is to buy a mouth guard at a sporting goods store that can be softened using hot water to form fit your mouth.

7. Don’t smoke or use smokeless tobacco. Tobacco stains teeth and significantly increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. If you smoke or use chewing tobacco, consider quitting by slowly decrease the intake.

8. A healthy diet is essential to healthy teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet of whole foods -- including grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products -- will provide all the nutrients you need.

Avoid sugary foods. When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, they produce acids that can erode tooth enamel, opening the door to decay.

9. Regular dental check up with an interval of 6 months is recommended in all individuals.



Saturday 23 August 2014


The fact that flossing daily can extend life expectancy falls in the weird-but-true category. In fact, floss does two things: it prevents gum disease (that's rather obvious), and it prevents heart disease (not so obvious). Preventing both of these together is what adds years to your life. Here's how flossing improves life expectancy:
When you floss, you help prevent your gums from becoming inflamed. That's a good thing. What is happening when your gums are inflamed is that you have a chronic bacterial infection in your mouth. This harms your arteries through two mechanisms: the bacteria find their way in to your arteries and hang out (causing plaques), and your body mounts an immune response to the bacteria in your mouth, causing inflammation (which in turn can cause your arteries to narrow). This makes it hard for your heart to do its job and can lead to heart disease.
There is some debate about how many years you can gain with heart disease. Dr. Perls says 1.5 years, while Dr. Roizen says 6 years

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Oral Health care

How to prevent dental diseases and to keep your mouth healthy?

-The most important thing you can do to maintain good oral health, to reduce the risk of developing tooth decay periodontal disease and many of the other diseases.

Developing good dental health habits is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

  1.         Brush after eating

Get into a routine of brushing and flossing. Remove plaque by brushing your teeth at least twice a day for about 2 minutes with fluoride-containing toothpaste, in the morning and at night especially before going to bed and floss once a day.

  1. 2.       Use a toothbrush with soft, rounded-end bristles and a head that is small enough to reach all parts of your teeth and mouth. Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months.

  2.      Use  fluoride toothpaste. Some fluoride toothpastes also offer tartar control, to promote healthy tooth development in children and to strengthen your teeth.

                4.  Brush your tongue from back to front. Some people put some toothpaste or mouthwash on their toothbrush when they do this. Brushing your tongue helps remove plaque, which can cause bad breath and help bacteria grow. Some toothbrushes now have a specific brush to use for your tongue.

5.  5.      Floss daily
Floss at least once a day. The type of floss you use is not important. Choose the type and flavor that you like best.

6.      6.  Eat healthy diet 

Good nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy gums and avoiding tooth decay.

Eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and is low in saturated fat and sodium, cheese, peanuts, yogurt, milk, and these make great after-meal snacks.

Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, especially sticky, sweet foods like. The longer sugar stays in contact with your teeth, the more damage the sugar will do.

Do not snack before bedtime, because food left on the teeth is more likely to cause cavities at night. 

Saliva production decreases while you sleep, so saliva does not clean the mouth well during sleeping hours.

Sugar-free chewing gum (especially gum that contains Xylitol) is good for your teeth. They help clear your mouth of harmful sugars and protect against plaque.

7.       Mouth rinse containing fluoride can help prevent tooth decay, according to the Indian Dental Association.

8.       It is also important to stop using tobacco products.
 Using any tobacco product makes it more likely you will have mouth cancer or gum disease (periodontal disease). Using tobacco can also delay healing after you have a tooth pulled or other surgery on your teeth or mouth. Tobacco use also causes bad breath and stains your teeth and tongue.

9.       Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and oral exam.

-Check your teeth, gums and mouth regularly. If you notice any problem with your mouth or teeth plan to see a dentist as soon as you can.

-Your dentist may suggest about use of supplemental fluoride, which strengthens your teeth.

-Your dentist may check whether your teeth require dental sealants (a plastic protective coating) applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (molars) to protect them from decay.

By regular dental check-ups:

-Prevents tooth decay and gum (periodontal) disease, which can damage gum tissue and the bones that support teeth, and in the long term can lead to the loss of teeth.

-Shortens the treatment time with the dentist, and makes the trip more pleasant.

-Saves money by preventing tooth decay and gum disease, you can reduce the need for fillings and other costly procedures

-Helps prevent bad breath.
 Brushing and flossing to get rid your mouth of the bacteria that cause bad breath.

-Helps to keep teeth whiter by preventing staining from food, drinks, and tobacco.

-Improves overall health and makes it possible for your teeth to last a lifetime.


Saturday 26 July 2014

Child Dental Health


Despite tremendous advancements in dental care and treatment over the past 50 years, dental caries (tooth decay) remains a serious issue for our nation’s children. It is important for parents to instill good oral health habits in their children at a young age by first equipping themselves with the latest insights about oral care, treatment options and recommendations

Parents are a child's first teacher in life and play a significant role in maintaining his or her overall health. Providing oral health education to mothers and families is essential to teaching children healthy habits and preventing early childhood tooth decay.

With all of the challenges that new parents face, they may not think much about the link between their child's oral health and overall health. In fact, an understanding of oral hygiene can help parents to prevent tooth decay—the single most common chronic childhood disease in teeth—and to create a lifetime of healthy habits for their child.


1.Healthy teeth and gums are important as your child grows to help them develop good speech, healthy eating habits and good social skills.

2.Cavities are the most common chronic disease of early childhood.

3.Oral diseases are infectious, often painful and expensive to treat.

Poor oral health has been linked to diabetes, heart disease and other long-term health problems in adults.


A smile is the facial expression that most engages others. With the help of the teeth — which provide structural support for the face muscles, the mouth also forms a frown and other expressions that show on your face.

The mouth:
Plays a key role in the digestive system.

The mouth — especially the teeth, lips, and tongue — is essential for speech.

The tongue, which allows us to taste,

The tongue also helps form words when we speak.

The lips that line the outside of the mouth both help hold food in while we chew and pronounce words when we talk.

The hardest substances in the body, the teeth are also necessary for chewing

Here's how each aspect of the mouth and teeth plays an important role in our daily lives.

Teeth vary in size, shape and their location in the jaws. These differences enable teeth to work together to help you chew, speak and smile. They also help give your face its shape and form. The Tooth is made of 2 parts. The Crown that is visible in the mouth and the Root that lies in the jaw bone which is not seen. Let us see what makes up a tooth:

Enamel. Hard calcified tissue covering the dentin in the crown of tooth.

Dentin.That part of the tooth that is beneath enamel and cementum. When dentin loses its protective covering (enamel), it causes sensitivity.

Gums (also called gingiva.) Soft tissues that cover and protect the roots of your teeth and cover teeth that have not yet erupted.

Pulp Chamber.The space occupied by the pulp—the soft tissue at the center of your teeth containing nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue.

Jawbone (Alveolar Bone.) The part of the jaw that surrounds the roots of the teeth.

Cementum. Hard connective tissue covering the tooth root, giving attachment to the periodontal ligament.
Periodontal Ligament. A system of collagenous connective tissue fibers that connect the root of a tooth to its socket.

Dental Diseases

Tooth Decay

Gum Disease

Mouth Disorders



Bad Breath

Dry Mouth



Wednesday 9 July 2014

Endodontic therapy or root canal therapy is a sequence of treatment for the infected pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. The innermost layer of tooth is the pulp which provides nutrients, blood supply and nerves to the tooth; it runs like a thread down through the roots. When the pulp is diseased or injured, mostly due to dental decay or a fracture, the tooth needs to be saved.

The most common causes of pulp damage or death are:
 A cracked tooth
A deep cavity
An injury to a tooth, such as a severe knock to the tooth, either recent or in the past.

Endodontic therapy involves the removal of these structures, the subsequent shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of the hollows with small files and irrigating solutions and the obturation (filling) of the decontaminated canals with an inert filling such as gutta-percha and typically eugenol-based cement.
 In order to retain the tooth in the oral cavity root canal treatment is done that would otherwise be lost. After the dentist removes the pulp, the root canal is cleaned and sealed off to protect it. Then your dentist places a crown or a cap over the tooth to make it stronger.
Most of the cases root canal treatment is a relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort involving one or three visits.Best of all , it can save your tooth and your smile.
Once the pulp is infected or dead, if left untreated, pus can build up at the root tip in the jawbone, forming an abscess. An abscess can destroy the bone surrounding the tooth and cause pain.


Dental caries or decay involving pulp

Fracture involving pulp

Intentional root canal treatment is indicated in the following cases,
Severe periodontal problem
grossly attrited tooth
Fixed replacement of missing tooth like bridges


First, an opening is made through the crown of the tooth in to the pulp chamber, after giving local anesthesia.

The pulp is then removed and the root canals are cleaned and shaped to a form that can be filled.

The pulp is removed, and the root canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped.

Medications may be put in to the pulp chamber and root canals to help get rid of germs and prevent infection
A temporary filling will be placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits. Your dentist may leave the tooth open for a few days to drain. You might also be given medicines to help control infection that may spread beyond the tooth.

The pulp chamber and root canals are filled and sealed.

The temporary filling is removed and the pulp chamber and root canal s are cleaned and filled.

In the final step, a crown or cap is usually placed over the tooth.

 How Long Will the Restored Tooth Last?

Your treated and restored tooth/teeth can last a lifetime with proper care. Because tooth decay can still occur in treated teeth, good oral hygiene and regular dental exams are necessary to prevent further problems.

As there is no longer a pulp keeping the tooth alive, root-treated teeth can become brittle and are more prone to fracture. This is an important consideration when deciding whether to crown or fill a tooth after root canal treatment.

To determine the success or failure of root canal treatment, the most relied-upon method is to compare new X-rays with those taken prior to treatment. This comparison will show whether bone continues to be lost or is being regenerated. As long as the roots of a tooth are nourished by the tissues around it, your tooth will remain healthy.


Thursday 26 June 2014

What things to be taken care after tooth extraction ?


1. Anesthetics:

The length and the time you experience numbness varies based on the type and amount of anesthetics used.
2% lignocaine is normally used as an anesthetic solution for extraction; it can act around 3 hours.

Care should be taken not to bite on lips, cheek or tongue if your mouth is numb. Hence avoid chewing hard foods. If you are having liquid diet please avoid using straws as it will dislodge the clot formed at extraction site creating fresh bleeding.

2. Bleeding:

After extraction a gauze pack is kept over the wound area to limit bleeding and to promote clot formation. This pack should be left in place for 30-45 minutes after you leave the dentist office. Do not chew this pack just hold it gently.

After the pack is removed you may experience some bleeding, if so follow these instructions:-

a. Fold a piece of clean gauze thick enough to bite on. Dampen the gauze with warm water and hold it on the extraction site.

B.Apply moderate pressure on by closing your teeth firmly over the gauze pad. Maintain this pressure for 30 minutes.

C.Do not suck on the extraction site or disturb it with your tongue.

d.A slight amount of blood may leak from the wound till the clot forms. Do not panic. However if it is heavy bleeding contact your dentist.

3. Do not smoke, consume alcohol, drink with a straw or rinse vigorously for the next 24 hours.

4. Limit strenuous activity for one day.

5. Avoid spicy, hot and hard foods, Use only soft food items for a day.

6. Generally a slight swelling is common after extraction; you can avoid this to a certain extent by using an ice-pack for about 30 minutes in regular intervals.
7. Brushing is gently done in extraction area with a post extraction toothbrush which is recently coming up in the market.

8. Medication prescribed by dentist should be taken.
9. Mouth exercises after 24 hours  
10. Warm saline gargle can be done which helps in healing.
11. If non-resorbable sutures are placed ,it needs to be removed after 7 days.

Dr.Renju's Dental Clinic,
Pipeline Junction, 

Friday 20 June 2014

Dental cavities


Dental Caries also known as tooth decay or a cavity, is an infection, bacterial in origin that causes demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth.


The bacteria most commonly associated with tooth decay are Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Lactobacili etc.
These bacteria’s through fermentation of food debris that got accumulated on tooth surface produces acids . 
These acids acts on the tooth structure and degradation of tooth resulting in tooth decay.


The bacterial content in saliva varies with individual depending on various causes such as heredity dietary intake etc.
The caries prevalence of school children in Australia is in a hiking rate.

 It is not the chocolate that alone responsible for decay but the food that stuck to tooth structure is the real culprit in children.
 Hence sticky foods should be kept at bay as a preventive measure.


A person experiencing caries may not be aware of the disease in the initial stage of decay.

In the initial stage decay appears like a chalky white spot, later on color changes to brown, light brown, black etc.
Active decay is lighter in colour and dull in apperance. In.In severe decay the affected area of tooth change colour and becomes soft to the touch.

A thorough examination of dentition by a dentist helps to detect decay rather than self examination.


The first entry to tooth surface is through enamel, which is the outer covering of the tooth, then to dentin the layer inside the enamel. 

Finally it reaches the pulp, which is the innermost layer of tooth containing blood vessels and nerves resulting in tooth ache or tooth pain.

if NO treatment is taken in this level  the infection can spread to the surrounding structures of tooth resulting in tooth loss or severe complications like Ludwig's angina.


Preventive measures like maintenance of good oral hygiene, dietary modifications, use of fluoridated tooth paste , toothpaste containing sugar acid neutralizer, like Colgate maximum cavity protection can be taken in to consideration.

 Tooth should be brushed twice daily.

6 MONTHS INTERVAL of professional cleaning is advisable.

Restoration or filling of decayed tooth can be done like pit and fissure sealants or dental filling.

if pain occurs ,one can save the tooth by root canal therapy under medication.


Saturday 14 June 2014


Why do your gums bleed while brushing?

Healthy gums gives you a health smile.Gums has to be given proper care like wise the teeth is the foundation of your teeth.Healthy gums do not bleed during brushing.if it bleeds its early sign of gum problem.

Bleeding while brushing is generally because of gingivitis that means inflammation of is most common problem affecting majority of Indian population.

In a study conducted,the incidence of gum problem is more than tooth decay among Indians.

If gums are not given sufficient care the result is that your tooth will become loose and finally it falls off.

In order to avoid this,One has to properly maintain oral hygiene to solve this problem.You should include your gums also while brushing.this is most important.

Oral status should be evaluated with the help of a dentist with an interval of 6 months.Professional cleaning of teeth is also advisable during this period. This helps to maintain your gum health.

There are also other conditions were your gums bleed, for example while taking certain drugs,leukemic condition etc which are rare.

For more details click here

Dr.Renju T George,
Dr.Renju's dental clinic,

Pipeline Junction,