Thursday 26 June 2014

What things to be taken care after tooth extraction ?


1. Anesthetics:

The length and the time you experience numbness varies based on the type and amount of anesthetics used.
2% lignocaine is normally used as an anesthetic solution for extraction; it can act around 3 hours.

Care should be taken not to bite on lips, cheek or tongue if your mouth is numb. Hence avoid chewing hard foods. If you are having liquid diet please avoid using straws as it will dislodge the clot formed at extraction site creating fresh bleeding.

2. Bleeding:

After extraction a gauze pack is kept over the wound area to limit bleeding and to promote clot formation. This pack should be left in place for 30-45 minutes after you leave the dentist office. Do not chew this pack just hold it gently.

After the pack is removed you may experience some bleeding, if so follow these instructions:-

a. Fold a piece of clean gauze thick enough to bite on. Dampen the gauze with warm water and hold it on the extraction site.

B.Apply moderate pressure on by closing your teeth firmly over the gauze pad. Maintain this pressure for 30 minutes.

C.Do not suck on the extraction site or disturb it with your tongue.

d.A slight amount of blood may leak from the wound till the clot forms. Do not panic. However if it is heavy bleeding contact your dentist.

3. Do not smoke, consume alcohol, drink with a straw or rinse vigorously for the next 24 hours.

4. Limit strenuous activity for one day.

5. Avoid spicy, hot and hard foods, Use only soft food items for a day.

6. Generally a slight swelling is common after extraction; you can avoid this to a certain extent by using an ice-pack for about 30 minutes in regular intervals.
7. Brushing is gently done in extraction area with a post extraction toothbrush which is recently coming up in the market.

8. Medication prescribed by dentist should be taken.
9. Mouth exercises after 24 hours  
10. Warm saline gargle can be done which helps in healing.
11. If non-resorbable sutures are placed ,it needs to be removed after 7 days.

Dr.Renju's Dental Clinic,
Pipeline Junction, 

Friday 20 June 2014

Dental cavities


Dental Caries also known as tooth decay or a cavity, is an infection, bacterial in origin that causes demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth.


The bacteria most commonly associated with tooth decay are Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Lactobacili etc.
These bacteria’s through fermentation of food debris that got accumulated on tooth surface produces acids . 
These acids acts on the tooth structure and degradation of tooth resulting in tooth decay.


The bacterial content in saliva varies with individual depending on various causes such as heredity dietary intake etc.
The caries prevalence of school children in Australia is in a hiking rate.

 It is not the chocolate that alone responsible for decay but the food that stuck to tooth structure is the real culprit in children.
 Hence sticky foods should be kept at bay as a preventive measure.


A person experiencing caries may not be aware of the disease in the initial stage of decay.

In the initial stage decay appears like a chalky white spot, later on color changes to brown, light brown, black etc.
Active decay is lighter in colour and dull in apperance. In.In severe decay the affected area of tooth change colour and becomes soft to the touch.

A thorough examination of dentition by a dentist helps to detect decay rather than self examination.


The first entry to tooth surface is through enamel, which is the outer covering of the tooth, then to dentin the layer inside the enamel. 

Finally it reaches the pulp, which is the innermost layer of tooth containing blood vessels and nerves resulting in tooth ache or tooth pain.

if NO treatment is taken in this level  the infection can spread to the surrounding structures of tooth resulting in tooth loss or severe complications like Ludwig's angina.


Preventive measures like maintenance of good oral hygiene, dietary modifications, use of fluoridated tooth paste , toothpaste containing sugar acid neutralizer, like Colgate maximum cavity protection can be taken in to consideration.

 Tooth should be brushed twice daily.

6 MONTHS INTERVAL of professional cleaning is advisable.

Restoration or filling of decayed tooth can be done like pit and fissure sealants or dental filling.

if pain occurs ,one can save the tooth by root canal therapy under medication.


Saturday 14 June 2014


Why do your gums bleed while brushing?

Healthy gums gives you a health smile.Gums has to be given proper care like wise the teeth is the foundation of your teeth.Healthy gums do not bleed during brushing.if it bleeds its early sign of gum problem.

Bleeding while brushing is generally because of gingivitis that means inflammation of is most common problem affecting majority of Indian population.

In a study conducted,the incidence of gum problem is more than tooth decay among Indians.

If gums are not given sufficient care the result is that your tooth will become loose and finally it falls off.

In order to avoid this,One has to properly maintain oral hygiene to solve this problem.You should include your gums also while brushing.this is most important.

Oral status should be evaluated with the help of a dentist with an interval of 6 months.Professional cleaning of teeth is also advisable during this period. This helps to maintain your gum health.

There are also other conditions were your gums bleed, for example while taking certain drugs,leukemic condition etc which are rare.

For more details click here

Dr.Renju T George,
Dr.Renju's dental clinic,

Pipeline Junction,