Thursday 18 September 2014

Why is my tooth sensitive ?


DENTINAL SENSITIVITY is dental pain which is sharp in character and of short duration, arising from exposed dentin surfaces in response to stimuli, typically thermal, evaporation, tactile, osmotic, chemical or electrical; and which cannot be ascribed to any other dental disease.


Thermal – hot and cold drinks and foods, cold air, coolant water jet from a dental instrument.

Electrical – electric pulp testers

Mechanical–tactile – dental probe during dental examination, periodontal scaling and root planing,tooth brushing

Osmotic – hypertonic solutions such as sugars

Evaporation – air blast from a dental instrument

Chemical – acids, e.g. dietary, gastric, acid etch during dental treatment


The most common cause - Gingival Recession  ( receding gums )

- Tooth Wear

- Wrong Brushing Habits

- Abrasive tooth paste

- Acid erosion (e.g. related to gastroesophageal reflux disease

- Bulimia or excessive consumption of acidic foods and drinks

- Periodontal root planing

- Dental bleaching 

- Tooth whitening tooth paste

- Decay around the edges of a filling

- Tooth sensitivity after dental visit

- Plaque deposition

- Alcohol containing mouthwash


= Desensitizing tooth paste

= Correct the brushing technique - avoid horizontal method of brushing

= Use a soft bristle brush and brush for 2 minutes with gentle pressure

= Limit acidic foods or try to drink water having acidic food items to neutralize the acid in your mouth.

= Cover exposed root surface using dentin adhesive sealers with the help of a dentist

= Root canal treatment

= Laser treatment - low output lasers , Nd YAG ,Er YAG CAN BE USED TO TREAT 
SENSITIVITY but It is the most expensive method .

Friday 12 September 2014



1. Oral cleaning should be done in the early childhood days, even before tooth eruption  after the birth of a baby. This can be done by wiping the gums with a clean damp cloth.

As soon as the tooth erupts one has to supervise the child to brush and encourage with toothpaste particularly for kids which has favorable taste and colour that attracts them

2. Always use fluoride containing toothpaste preferably white colour .As the fluoride can control the prevalence of decay in specified quantity. It can also strengthen enamel.

3. Brush twice a day and floss daily. Proper brushing technique should be adopted.

4. Rinse after each meal.  In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems.

5. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.

6. In school children, who are engaged in sports and other extracurricular activities usage of mouth guards is advisable. It prevents blows to teeth. Your dentist can make a custom-fitted

Mouth guard. Another option is to buy a mouth guard at a sporting goods store that can be softened using hot water to form fit your mouth.

7. Don’t smoke or use smokeless tobacco. Tobacco stains teeth and significantly increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. If you smoke or use chewing tobacco, consider quitting by slowly decrease the intake.

8. A healthy diet is essential to healthy teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet of whole foods -- including grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products -- will provide all the nutrients you need.

Avoid sugary foods. When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, they produce acids that can erode tooth enamel, opening the door to decay.

9. Regular dental check up with an interval of 6 months is recommended in all individuals.
