Wednesday 23 November 2022

Exploring the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Brushing Teeth

 Exploring the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Brushing Teeth

This article explores the potential health benefits of drinking water before brushing teeth, such as improved oral hygiene and reduced risk of cavities.

There are numerous health benefits if one drinks water just after waking up before brushing teeth.

If you drink water first in the morning it will flushes out the stomach and helps to balance the lymphatic system. There by making the immunity stronger.

The germs and bacteria inside your mouth multiply during the night. So, when you drink water after waking up before brushing, your saliva goes with the water down into the stomach resulting in destruction of the bacteria due to the high acid content inside the stomach. Therefore there is no harm if you drink water before brushing teeth. Rather it will clean out your mouth and make teeth brushing more effective.

 It reduces gastritis or indigestion problems.

Lowers high blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day.

It will also make the skin and hair soft.

                                                                        Our body uses up its water  during the night while at  sleep and you don’t always wake up in the middle of the night to refill your water stores. So drinking water just after waking up before brushing can rehydrate our body. 

So always drink 1-2 glass of water just after waking up before brushing.
