Tuesday 25 August 2020

How to make deodorant at home?



To make deodorant at home we need ,

1.Arrowroot powder - 2tea spoon

2. Baking soda - 1tea spoon

3.Coconut oil - as required 

4.Cinnamon powder - half tea spoon 


                       any essential oils

These are mixed to a thicker consistency and stored in an airtight container. 

Arrowroot is a powerful ingredient. It helps to absorb sweat .it makes skin soft and removes black marks.

It also removes foul odor. 

Baking soda cleanses the area well .It exfoliates dead cells in that area.

It removes foul odor from the body.

Cinnamon powder  gives fragrance and has anti bacterial properties. 

Coconut oil ofcourse has antibacteria,l antiviral, antifungal properties.

For more on coconut oil 





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