Monday 9 May 2016

Brushing methods


There are various mechanical methods of tooth brushing

First and foremost thing is to identify the purpose of brushing habit.It as simple as to wash away the particles that sticks in the oral cavity, mainly the food particles.

  • So how long to brush?

Just 2 minutes .

  • How much pressure you should give while brushing?

Just to wipe off the food materials,so only as gentle without damaging teeth.

  • Which type of brush?

Always use a SOFT bristle toothbrush


Proper understanding of surfaces of a tooth helps in proper brushing.

  • how many surface a tooth has?

biting areas

So good cleaning remember your brush need to access all these areas.

  • Always follow a vertical pattern of brushing in front areas of teeth ,as horizontal method is not advisable.
  • Horizontal method may result in abrasion of teeth especially in the gum lines.

  • How ever access of brush to inter dental areas (both sides of a tooth)is difficult and it varies from person to person.

  • There comes the need to FLOSS, use of  INTERDENTAL TOOTH BRUSH .

  • Always many people tends to miss cleaning of last teeth properly and  find it difficult to do.

  • Remember not to wide open while brushing those areas, instead place the brush inside the mouth and close the mouth and brush.

  • PLEASE dont do brushing while engaging in other activities like reading newspaper,magazines etc.



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